An Introduction to Double Exposure Blackjack

As the name suggests, Double Exposure Blackjack is a variant in which both dealer cards are exposed from the start. This creates a definite advantage for the player, but there are other rules in Double Exposure that restore the balance in the dealer’s favour. If played properly though, Double Exposure Blackjack represents one of the best bets in online casinos.

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  • Ultimate Transparency of Cards
  • Easier Hit or Stand Decisions
The Strategy Table:

In the following article, you’ll find all you need to know about Double Exposure Blackjack, including how to play the game, where to play it, some advice and tips on how to win and even a demo of the game. Check out our free trial version above and give this great game a go.

How to Play Double Exposure Blackjack

In the following section, we’ll quickly cover how to play Double Exposure and what distinguishes this games from all the other blackjack variants out there – check our main blackjack page for more info. In Double Exposure, the dealer always hits on 17. Much like other blackjack variants, splitting is permitted and players can re-split twice, even going so far as to even re-split aces. After splitting, however, the player gets one more draw on each ace and then they must stand.

Game Rules: Special Features: Dealers and Betting:
Multi-Hand: No Re-Split: Yes (except aces) Blackjack Pays: 1 to 1
Insurance: Yes Hit Split Aces: No Side Bets: Bust It!
Surrender: Yes Double: Yes Dealer Peek: Yes
Split: Yes Double After Split:Yes Dealer Hits Soft 17: No

Additionally, players can double down on their initial hand when the hand totals 9, 10, or 11. However, the bet must match the initial stake at the beginning of the round. It’s permitted to double down after a split. The dealer automatically wins any ties apart from a tied blackjack, which the player wins. There’s also no push in Double Exposure and players can’t surrender.

Strategy & Tips: All You Need to Know to Win at Double Exposure

Double Exposure blackjack isn’t the easiest version of blackjack to master, but given the rewards of a competitive house edge, it’s worth getting stuck in and investing some time to play this game well. From our own experiences, the following tips are worth bearing in mind. There are only a few times in Double Exposure Blackjack when you should double down on hands with a value of 9, 10, or 11. Check out our strategy table below for a clearer idea of when to hit, stand, and split.

Strategy Table: Double Exposure – Dealer Stands on Soft 17

Player Cards
Dealer’s Soft and Hard Hands 7- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 A2/3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8 9.9 10.10 A.A
4 H H H Dh Dh St St St St St St St St St St H H H H Ds St St St Ph PH H Dh Sp PS Sp Sp St Sp
5 H H Dh Dh Dh St St St St St St St St St St H H Dh Dh Ds St St St Ph PH H Dh Sp Sp Sp Sp St Sp
6 H H Dh Dh Dh St St St St St St St St St St H Dh Dh Dh Ds St St St Sp Sp H Dh Sp Sp Sp Sp St Sp
7 H H H Dh Dh H H H H H St St St St St H H H H St St St St H H H Dh H H Sp St St Sp
8 H H H Dh Dh H H H H St St St St St St H H H H H St St St H H H Dh H H Sp Sp St Sp
9 H H H H Dh H H H H St St St St St St H H H H H St St St H H H H H H St St St Sp
10 H H H H H H H H St St St St St St St H H H H H St St St H H H H H H St St St Sp
11 H H H H H H H St St St St St St St St H H H H H St St St H H H H H St St St St H
12 H Dh Dh Dh Dh St St St St St St St St St St Dh Dh Dh Dh Dh Ds St St Sp Sp Sp Dh Sp Sp Sp Sp St Sp
13 H Dh Dh Dh Dh St St St St St St St St St St Dh Dh Dh Dh Dh Ds Ds St Sp Sp Sp Dh Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp
14 Dh Dh Dh Dh Dh St St St St St St St St St St Dh Dh Dh Dh Dh Ds Ds St Sp Sp Sp Dh Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp
15 Dh Dh Dh Dh Dh St St St St St St St St St St Dh Dh Dh Dh Dh Ds Ds Ds Sp Sp Sp Dh Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp
16 Dh Dh Dh Dh Dh St St St St St St St St St St Dh Dh Dh Dh Dh Ds Ds Ds Sp Sp Sp PD Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp
17 H H H H H H H H H H H St St St St H H H H St St St St Sp Sp H H Sp Sp Sp St St H
18 H H H H H H H H H H H H St St St H H H H H St St St H H H H H H H Sp St H
19 H H H H H H H H H H H H H St St H H H H H H St St H H H H H H H H St H
20 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H St H H H H H H H St H H H H H H H H H H
AA H H H H H H H H St St St St St St St H H H H H St St St H H H H H H St St St Sp
A2 H H H H Dh H H St St St St St St St St H H H H H St St St H H H H H St St St St Sp
A3 H H H Dh Dh H St St St St St St St St St H H H H H St St St H H H Dh H St PS St St Sp
A4 H H H Dh Dh H St St St St St St St St St H H H H H St St St H H H Dh H St Sp St St Sp
A5 H H H Dh Dh St St St St St St St St St St H H H H St St St St H H H Dh St St Sp PS St Sp

Whenever you’re holding an eleven and the dealer has any card worth between four and nine or between twelve and fifteen, then you should double down. The same is true if you’re holding a ten and the dealer is showing between eight and ten or twelve and fifteen. With a pair of fives, you should only double down if the dealer shows four to eight or twelve to fifteen. Otherwise, you shouldn’t ever double down. Finally, it’s key to remember that the game only pays out at 1:1, so no matter how you win, you’ll always be paid the same for a win.

Where to Play Double Exposure Blackjack

There are several online casinos and operators that offer Double Exposure Blackjack. Netent and Microgaming are the two biggest providers of Double Exposure through their software. Unfortunately, they haven’t yet made the game playable on mobile. This will hopefully change in the next couple of years as mobile gaming becomes increasingly more popular. Microgaming’s Double Exposure Gold, is a highly-polished version of the game and accessible to all players through its low betting limits. The NetEnt product includes a variety of Double Exposure games including Double Exposure Blackjack Professional Series High Limit, Low Limit and Standard Limit.

Double Exposure Blackjack: A Fun Variant Worth a Go

As mentioned, Double Exposure Blackjack is probably the most profitable blackjack variant out there. If you can learn to play well and beat the system, there’s nothing to stop Double Exposure Blackjack becoming your new favourite casino game. Despite the fact that the house’s edge is higher than in conventional blackjack, the expected returns are great and this is still a game well-worth playing.

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Last Updated on 18 Mar 2025 by Mark Podd