Good Casino Names You Can Find Online

November 5, 2020 Tony Christopher

You may encounter thousands of casino names, but how many are you going to remember? We have dedicated our article on the unique names of best casino websites. Some of them sound weird, others may scare you, and the third kind are straight to the point. Our 10 lists with different casino themes can even help you pick the site of your next online gambling experience.

Casino Names Top 10

In our lists, you will find online casino names that appeared at the beginning of the 1990s. Those ancient sites are now known by many people who are not even interested in gambling. Each category below will take you on a different trip. Choose one or read all from top to bottom. Don’t forget to read the FAQ with the most often questions regarding casino names.

Online Casino Names in 10 Categories

1. World’s Most Famous Casinos

Casino Names World's Most Famous Casinos

We start our amazing list with 10 of the world’s most famous casinos. Those casinos have delivered high-quality entertainment for decades. The casino names above are known even by people who had never even been inside a real casino. You have heard of the popular brands in commercials or seen them in movies. Everyone knows the Monte Carlo F1 race, the Circus, and the high-class casinos. The rest of the names are also familiar and preferred gambling locations. Most of them are also available as free download casino software, so you can enjoy them directly on your mobile device.

2. Horror-Themed & Scary Casinos

Casino Names Horror-themed & Scary Casino Names

Can a horror theme be the source of good names for casino websites? Apparently yes. Some online casinos names lead to the dark side of life. Even though, the titles in this section strike fear, the casinos are incredible. Each website has a unique spirit and gives a different experience to the players. The fans of thrills and chills drawn by the dark name of the site will find games in all genres. There are sections for new, hot, and even jackpot games.

3. Luxury, Gold & Treasure Casino Names

Casino Names Luxury, Gold & Treasure Casino Names

The good casino names lead to great casinos with incredible welcome bonus and stunning prizes. Those 10 casinos can catch your attention with magnificent names. They are a small part of the online casinos that can help players make a quick profit. You can choose one or more of the casinos listed in our article and gain profits from many sources.

4. Casinos with Lucky Names

Casino Names Casinos with Lucky Names

People play casino games with the hope to win. It is always good when there is a lucky title to lead the way. In our clever casino names list, you can see 10 casinos named after Lady Fortune. They offer incredible opportunities for enrichment with hundreds of exciting games. All slots, casino, and table games with professional live dealers have a modern design and easy gameplay. This allows the players to concentrate on their luck and profit.

5. Funny & Weird Casino Names

Casino Names Funny & Weird Casino Names

One of the main things in creating a successful brand is to choose a catchy name. Some operators choose close to gambling names with words like bet, slots, casino, etc. Others choose to direct the players’ attention to gold, winning, luck, or luxury. We found many good names for casino, unique names, and weird names that seem like created in a casino name generator. We don’t know what the creators thought, but those names do catch the eye.

6. Online Casinos Named after Animals

Casino Names Casinos with Animal Names

Google released Penguin and Colibri. DreamWorks gave us Kung-Fu Panda. National Geographic shows us the animal world 24/7. Almost every sports team in the world has an animal mascot. Then, there is no wonder that they have their place in the gambling world too. You can find hundreds of casino games with animal-themes and animal characters. Those 10 successful casinos with animals in their name are living proof that people are drawn to the furry mascots. Maybe some even play with their pers.

7. Oldest Online Casinos

Casino Names Oldest Online Casinos

We all can read long lists of online casino names, but how often we think for how long those brands have existed? The casinos above started delivering high-quality online gambling experience in the 1990s. Ever since then, the number of casinos grew exponentially. The fierce competition and demands of the players are a constant sift, and only a few can survive in this competitive sector. Today, the online casinos thrive by providing top-grade entertainment, variety of bonuses, and accessibility from all modern devices.

8. Casino Names with Spin, Slot or Bet

Casino Names Spin, Bet, Slot Casino Names

The first-time players are not quite sure what good casino names are. That is why many operators use a simple tactic to make the casinos discoverable by using basic words like “bet”, “slots”, “play”, and “casino”. The perfect casino for new players has a user-friendly structure where the new player can navigate in the site easily. The sign up and deposit process is simple, and there are various payment options. One extra feature is the free demos of the games available at since the moment you open the website.

9. Casinos Named after a Location

Casino Names Casinos Named after a Location

Every person in this world knows at least one casino that has the location Vegas in the title. There are many online casinos named after popular gaming locations or established land-based casinos. We decided to skip them and give you the other kind of location names. The names of those 10 online casinos will take you on a cruise, to a treasure island, and you will even see the desert at night. Choose one of the more unfamiliar trails and see what riches lay at the end. Alternatively, you can check out more details about the infamous GTA online casino if you are a fan of the game.

10. Casinos Named after Famous People

Casino Names Casinos Named After Famous People

Nothing can draw the crowd like a celebrity. Some casinos are built around the world of the famous person like Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas and online Caesar Casino. Sometimes it is impossible to use the name of a real celebrity, so the operator uses a name close to the original. The name of the singer Johnny Cash (1954-2003) and the casino Johnny Ka$h is such an example. Regardless of the name, online casinos deliver incredible entertainment and great prizes.

Top 10 Casino Names FAQ

The casino names are the first thing that draws attention. We gave you 100 online casinos you can try right now. But before you do, we will tell you how casino names are chosen, who can name a casino, and other common questions on this topic.

🥇 What are good casino names?

We created 10 lists of top 10 casino names. The best casinos have good casino names that are easy to remember and find. The players will have no trouble in finding what they need when searching for bet, spins, online casino, etc. Those words are directly related to online gambling and that is why many casinos have them in their names.

💭 How a casino gets its name?

The name may come before, during, or after the main theme of the casino. Casinos labelled as best casino in the world have names that show what makes them unique. Sometimes the theme of the casino is historical (Cleopatra Casino), horror (666 Casino), or even animal named casinos can appear.

🧠 What are the most memorable casino names?

Every player will tell you that they remember the name of the casino where they won the biggest prise or lost the most. Leaving the personal experiences aside, a memorable name is the one that, well, it is easy to remember. Online casino names of the type are Get Lucky, the luxurious-themed Black Diamond, or Monster Casino.

✨ Does the name increase the casino's popularity?

Yes. Casino names are chosen to be easy to remember and to match the casino theme. The logic is that if more people remember the name, more people will come to play. Popular casino brands like Pokerstars deliver high prizes and exciting entertainment. The people remember the name and the prizes and visit the gambling site often.

🦉 Can I name a casino?

Yes. All you need is a good casino concept, funds, and the naming can begin. There are casinos with clever casino names. While picking a name, we would advise you to avoid the random name generators. You may get a funny or weird casino name like Cookie Casino and Pink Taco Casino.

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Last Updated on 4 Mar 2025 by Tony Christopher